Monk-e-business Een webmaster’s code repository

June 8, 2017

CSS woordspelingen om mee te lachen

Filed under: CSS — Tags: , — Welltrained Monkey @ 3:26 pm

Warning: Use of undefined constant wpurl - assumed 'wpurl' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/sites/web/vanautrevebe/subsites/ on line 53

Er zitten wel enkele leuke tussen 🙂

CSS woordspelingen

February 24, 2015

CSS humor 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Welltrained Monkey @ 12:57 pm

Warning: Use of undefined constant wpurl - assumed 'wpurl' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/sites/web/vanautrevebe/subsites/ on line 53

#wife {right: 100%; margin: 0;}

#titanic {float: none;}

#bermuda-triangle {display: none;}

.invisibility-cloak + #harry-potter {visibility: hidden;}
.invisibility-cloak + #mad-eye-moody {visibility: visible !important;}

#usa + #mexico {border: 1px dashed;}

#europe .country {border: none;}

#china {border-top-style: solid;}

.sniper-mode-engaged {cursor: crosshair;}

.bambis-mom {cursor: crosshair; orphans: 1; }

#periodic {display: table;}

#big-bang::before {content: “”;}

#chucknorris {color: #BADA55;}

#nsa {opacity: 1;}

#tower-of-pisa {font-style: italic;}

#australia {transform: rotateY(180deg);}

.bruce-banner {color: pink; transition: color 10s;}
.bruce-banner .the-hulk {color: green;}

.oliver-queen {cursor: arrow;}

.leprechaun {height: 20%; color: green; display: none;}

.infinity-edge-pools {overflow: hidden;}

.obese {width: 200%; overflow: visible;}

.religious-upbringing {perspective: inherit;}

.yomama {width: 99999999px;}

#lego {display: block;}

.hobbit {height: 50%;}
.hobbit #foot {width: 200%;}

.delorean {z-index: -1955;}

.fear {display: none;}

.usa > .marijuana-laws {
.federal {

cursor: not-allowed !important;

.state {

cursor: wait;

&.AK, &.CO, &.DC, &.OR, &.WA {

cursor: progress;




.single-lane-road {width: auto;}

.samsung {@extend apple;}

.illuminati {position: absolute; visibility: hidden;}

.rich-people {top: 1%;}
.working-class {bottom: 99%;}

gangsta-rap {word-spacing: 0;}

#moses > .sea {column-count: 2;}

#ikea {display: table;}

#autobots {transform: translate3d();}

.government {transition: all 4yr ease-out;}

#rip {
bottom: -6912px;

/* 6912px = 6 feet */


.defibrillator {clear: both;}

#muscles {display: flex;}


October 1, 2012

CSS humor 2

Filed under: CSS — Tags: — Welltrained Monkey @ 12:45 pm

Warning: Use of undefined constant wpurl - assumed 'wpurl' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/sites/web/vanautrevebe/subsites/ on line 53

.ninja { color: black; visibility: hidden; }

September 23, 2011

Samual L. Ipsum

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Welltrained Monkey @ 6:36 am

Warning: Use of undefined constant wpurl - assumed 'wpurl' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/sites/web/vanautrevebe/subsites/ on line 53

‘And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance …’ Laat Samuel L. Jackson uw Lorum Ipsum maken 🙂

September 9, 2011

CSS humor

Filed under: CSS — Tags: — Welltrained Monkey @ 8:31 am

Warning: Use of undefined constant wpurl - assumed 'wpurl' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/sites/web/vanautrevebe/subsites/ on line 53

CSS humor: .titanic { float: none; }

September 28, 2009

Visuele HTML-tags

Filed under: HTML — Tags: — Welltrained Monkey @ 3:48 pm

Warning: Use of undefined constant wpurl - assumed 'wpurl' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/sites/web/vanautrevebe/subsites/ on line 53

Het moet niet allemaal serieus zijn.

Nog meer funny html-pictures

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